20 October 2011

Biathlon Specific Training Week 2

Howdy everyone, I had a teammate work with me for this exercise set this week. Thank you Steve for your comments and help. Steve has his own exercise site over at www.minutemancrossfit.com.

This workout is blatantly borrowed from a series of sport specific videos and will we will revisit this workout a few times this season as part of our regular mix.

10 exercises in two sets - total 20 minute total workout.
each exercise is 30 seconds on / 30 seconds rest - so 1 minute per exercise.
1 - Choppers (For beginners just use a basketball or light medicine ball if one is available to get the motion, flexibility and technique before a weight plate.)
2 - Pushup cross overs (Do a "traveling" push up, where you do the same motion as in the video but start flat if you can’t complete 30 seconds over an obstacle, add in an object to change height as strength increases)
3 - Crunch twist (using weight, start with that basketball or medball. Twisting motions should be started light, without someone checking your form use at the most 12 lbs)
4 - Supermans (with weight, 5 pound plate or similar so everyone should be able to handle this, but break it up to either 2 @15 sec sets, or 3 @ 10 sec sets if that is more manageable. Use a hand weight or convenient object/book if your not in a gym)
5 - Explosive step up (alternate leg each step up, focus on one side for 15, then the other, novice use a stair height to 12”, advancing in stages up toward 24” inches but not above 24”) 
6 - Triceps extensions (using a bench or phisio ball, This can be done on a standard bench, a box, your bed, etc. don’t go out and buy a phisio ball)
7 - Knee ups (These are Vee ups, a standard Army exercise, are going to be part of the new Army PT Test)  
8 - Ball squashes (heavy ball, tempo cable pull downs, elastic pull downs. Most gyms and none of us have this type of ball I suspect. Use a dip at home off a desk or chair to replace this exercise. 
9 - Lunges with weight - (Everyone needs to learn to LOVE lunges. Again at the start they should do these with just bodyweight as this eccentric motions is the type of movement that causes that muscle soreness that can be fairly intense in beginners. After they have mastered the bodyweight, move up to
hands behind the head (the prisoner lunge), then add any type of weight, plates, kettlebells, sandbags, small children, etc. Lunges should also be done in all directions. I make my athletes do one I call the asterisk lunge. It's a lunge in 8 directions, forward, 45 degrees forward, to the side, 45
degrees to the rear, rear lunge, etc.)
10 - Pullups - (Pull up are another one of my favorite.  Now unfortunately most folks can't do a pull up, so unless you have a Gravitron (the machine she is using), you are out of luck if you can't get at least one pull up.
Two at home options = Jumping Pull Ups, or bands.  Jumping pull ups are okay,
but you have to do lots of them to get the benefit.  I really like the bands,
and there are many other uses for them both in strength training and recovery
work.  A good local vendor is Perform Better out of RI.  Their "Superbands"
I would suggest the 1 ¾ band if you can't string together at least 3 full
pull ups, as in fully extended elbows at the bottom and your chest touching
the bar at the top.  The 1" band is also a great all around tool that we can
explore more of later.

I have other vendors too if anyone needs them.
One of the reasons I believe this is a good workout for this group is that it
is scalable in all directions for all levels.  Using commons sense the
athlete can adjust the time/weight/number of reps on their own.  
Personally I would bump this up to a 45/15 work/rest ratio, but I have been doing this for a while.  Someone who has never done this can bring it down to 20/40.

The most important thing is technique, do the exercises safely!   Bad form
mixed with weight or high reps is the recipe for injury.

Thank you Steve for working with me this week.



  1. Just did this workout 3 hours after after a 4 miles run. I found it to be a little more "core" challenging then I thought. Ensure you have done a good warm up. I did it as perscribed, only change was I slamed a basketball that has 20lbs of sand it in as opposed to the ball she used in the video. I used a 25# plate for choppers, crunch twists, Tri extensions, and lunges. I used a 5# plate for supermans. 15" box for the step ups, and got in 15 pull ups first round and 12 the second. All in all a good workout.

  2. Fantastic feedback. Thanks and glad you had a good workout!
