12 November 2012

Coaching weekend & double pole workout

Hey Team,

This weekend I had a chance to attend a "Gaining the Edge" coaching clinic sponsored by NENSA. The clinic staff teach new coaches some important aspects of traditional and skate ski techniques and introduce them to  introductory physiology terminology.

The class was also a good chance to tune up some roller ski technique and see some equipment that I would not otherwise see. I spoke with other coaches and took away some great ideas for our team. I also was introduced to several great training aids and an app for video feedback that I will share with you.

Physically, my biggest take away was an on roller ski core workout that I can still feel two days later. The basic motion is the double pole crunch called the robot or Locked and loaded where a full poling is not used but rather a short burst only six inches downward pushes you along.  Hands from eye height to shoulder height only pushing a yard or so at a time.Do this for 10-15 minutes and feel a burn. Core is essential to this sport and this specific exercise will enhance your on ski performance.

We are getting close to some serious training weather so hit the rollers and dress up your technique. there are plenty of video online to watch and learn. On our next training weekend I look forward to sharing some great material with you.

Lastly this week, keep your cardio tuned up, you should all be comfortable with a hour long cycle or run at level 7/8 intensity with heart rate at 80% of max.If you have your rollers, go hit the bike paths and roads for 2 or three hours during the weekend.

All the best,
Coach Jeff